STICS Seminary Program

2023 13-14-15-16,  November Latresne, Aérocampus Aquitaine

Monday, November 13, 2023

15:30-18:30 Reception and Facilities (Aérocampus Home)

19:00-20:00-Self-service dinner (reservations closed)


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Home coffee

08:30 Session 1 – Introductory Morning(amphitheater) (Jean-Louis /Alain )

08:45 Opening of the Seminar various speeches

09:00 Presentation of INRAE Nouvelle Aquitaine Bordeaux, Nouvelle Aquitaine Poitiers, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Aérocampus Aquitaine

Thomas Nesme, Head of INRAE Department,,

Abraham Escobar Gutierrez, President INRAE Nouvelle Aquitaine Poitiers                                                                        

Marie-Pierre Ellies Director Bordeaux Agro Sciences                                                                  

Anne-Catherine Guitard Director  Aérocampus Aquitaine

 09:45 Network issues STICS – dpt AgroEcoSystem – MP – CIRAD – PEPR  Eric Justes

10: 00 Work and governance of the STICS Project Team  EPS Team

11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 Keynote : «"Is there Scope for Dynamic Crop Simulation Models in an AI World? – A View From DSSAT"» Gerrit Hoogenboom University of Florida (introduction JL Durand)


12:00 – 13:45  Buffet Lunch (Rafale room)

14:00-18:20 Session 2 – New formalisms, configuration and evaluations of STICS (amphitheater) ( Joël /Hélène/Benjamin) (15'+5' questions)

14:00-14:20 SticsRpacks: R packages for STICS, where are we?  Samuel Buis

14:20-14:40 Development, deployment and execution of simulation workflows to study the impact of climate change on dairy farms Patrick Chabrier

14:40-15:00 STICS ability to simulate long-term soil organic matter dynamics in crop-grassland rotations Anne-Isabelle Graux

15:00-15:20 Modelling albedo and the energy budget using the STICS soil-crop model – Application to two Sub-Saharan sites Souleymane Diop

15:20-15:40 Using STICS under agrivoltaic shading conditions: How to consider the impact of panels on canopy and organs temperature  Joseph Vernier

15:40-16:00 Flash Posters (2') * 9 Posters

16:00-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-16:50  Improvement B34:B36 of grapevine yield simulation in Champagne with the STICS model Loîc Strullu

16:50-17:00 ISOP V10. Update of the Objective Information and Monitoring System for Prairies (ISOP; INRAE - Météo-France – MASA) Jean-Louis Durand

17:00-17:20 AgMIP calibration: where are we and what are the results with the STICS model ? Samuel Buis

17:20-17:50 discussion

17:50-18:20 Poster Session

18:30-20:00 Site visit Aérocampus Aquitaine

20h30-22:00 Diner Cocktail (Rafale Room)

Wednesday November 15, 2023

Home coffee

 08:45-12:30 Session 3 - Modeling of cropping systems and biogeochemical cycles to support the agroecological transition (amphitheater)  (15'+5' questions) (Gaëtan)

0845-09:05 Simulation of long-term water, nitrogen and carbon dynamics for contrasted arable cropping systems with the STICS model Fabien Ferchaud

09:05-09:25 Using a long-term experiment with a wide range of management practices to challenge N2O emission modelling with the STICS model Paul Belleville

09:25-09:45 Predicting the short- and long- term effects of recycling organic wastes in cropping systems with the PROLEG tool Florent Levavasseur

09:45-10:05 Estimating CO2 fluxes (GPP, RECO, NEE) of diversified crop rotations from STICS outputs Mathieu Delandmeter

10:05-10:30 Coffee Break

10:30-10:50 Conceptualization, formalisms and first evaluations of a phosphorus module for the STICS soil-crop model Mounir  Seghouani

10:50-11:10 Impact of cover crops on N mineral fertilization and consequences for agro-environmental performances of maize monocrop in climate change context Magali  Willaume

11:10-11:30 Life cycle assessment of Quebec pig and poultry feedstuffs for the production of eco-friendly diets using the STICS model Marion Levraud

11:30-12:00 Discussion

12:00-12:30 Poster Session

12:30-14:00  Buffet Lunch (Rafale room)

14:00-17:30 Session 4 – Crop systems and climate change (amphitheater)  (15'+5' questions) (Inaki & Didier)

14:00-14:20  Adapting STICS-MILA crop model to Yellow Rust of Winter Wheat : from calibration to simulation of climate change impacts Thiphaine Vidal

14:20-14:40 Study of CO2 and temperature effects on wheat plant growth with the STICS crop model Meije Gawinowski

 14:40-15:00 Evolution under climate change of the resilience of the services provided by the cultivated areas of the Pays de Fougères Anne-Isabelle Graux

15:00-15:20 Spring barley yield and potential northward expansion under climate change in Canada Guillaume Jego

15:20-15:40 Modeling agroecological intensification in the tropics with the Stics model – lessons learned and way forward Antoine Couedel

15:40-16:30 Coffee Break

16:30-16:50 Potential production of energy cover crop in France: consequences on food crop production and environmental impacts based on scenarios simulation at high resolution Marie  Launay Hélène Raynal

16:50-17:10 Increasing soybean production in Europe: impact on cropping systems and environment Julie Constantin

17:10-17:30 Discussion

17:30-18:30 jubilé Dominique Ripoche-Wachter

18:45-20:15 wine casino entertainment

20:30-22:00 Gala Dinner ( Château Room)

Thursday November 16, 2023

Home coffee

 08:45-10:30 Session 5 -Intercropping (amphitheater)  (Clément /Philippe/Marie)

08:45-09:20 Modeling Key Interactions in Bi-Specific Intercropping Systems: Enhancing the STICS Soil-Crop Model for Sustainable Agriculture (35’)  Eric Justes / Patrice Lecharpentier / Rémi Vezy et al

09:20-09:40 Intercropping cereals and legumes to stabilise yield in the tropics: evaluation of the STICS soil-crop model to simulate bi-specific intercrops Matilde de Freitas

09:40-10:00 The first calibration and evaluation of the STICS soil-crop model on chickpea-based intercropping system under Mediterranean conditions Zemmouri Bahia,Kherif Omar → Mounir Seghouani

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break and Poster Session
10:30-12:30 General Assembly – Conclusions – Closing EPS Team

12:30-14:00  Buffet Lunch (Rafale room)

End of seminar
