Professor & Preeminent Scholar Agricultural and Biological Engineering Université of Florida

Professor. Dr. Ir. Gerrit Hoogenboom is a Preeminent Scholar in the Global Food Systems Institute and Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Florida, USA. He has over 30 years of experience in the development of crop simulation models and decision support systems. Applications range from freeze forecasting to climate variability and climate change, water resources management, biofuels, economic and environmental sustainability, and food and nutrition security. He currently coordinates the development of the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (, one of the most widely used crop modeling systems across the world. He frequently organizes and facilitates international training workshops on crop modeling and decision support systems. He has published over 500 scientific papers in refereed journals as well as numerous book chapters and proceedings (h-index 93; i10-index 475; Citations 39,556; Google Scholar). Since 2019, he is the Editor-in-Chief for The Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge). In 2022, he was elected as a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.